What type of player are you? None have an upper limit - who do you want to be?
*Not original concepts.
Level 1 - “no one has proven it cannot be done… I will win no matter what."
Trailblazer : Roger Bannister
“I will be the best student they ever had.”
Success is not dependent on the quality of teacher because that puts the power in their hands…
These players OWN their outcome.
Resiliently positive outlook on what they are undertaking.
Will get the most out of training regardless of instruction due to their undeniable spirit.
Champions create success regardless of conditions.
This type of player paired with the information, resources, and community, will be the best.
Level 2 : “He can do it, so I can do”
Good perspective.
Acknowledges it is not impossible and will replicate what has been done in the past.
Positive outlook, however, needs the evidence available for belief to be sparked / maintained.
Those who broke the 4 minute mile after Roger Bannister.
Level 3 : “It has worked for other people, let's see if it works for me.”
Majority of people.
Passively accepting whatever happens.
Success is very dependent on circumstances, resources, and instructor.
“I will see if YOUR program works for me.”
Puts the power in someone else's hands.
Does the minimum. No outside of training work.
Likely always searching for new ‘teachers.’
Takes zero responsibility.
Level 4 : “It might work for other people, but it probably won’t work for me.”
This is the person who half-asses.
No belief.
Believes they must be different and it cannot work for them.
Level 5 : : “I will prove that this will work for everyone but me, I have bad luck, nothing works for me in the end.”
Takes an active role in proving “it” wrong.
Identity is wrapped up in failure.
Great to think through. Not my mid week thoughts, just something I wanted to share.
May we be a community of trailblazers.
Henry Schertzinger