In college there was this recurring thought “If i could just make all things equal, mentally I will win ... Mentally stronger, tougher… that is my edge” Which, you may read this and think “Why do you want things to only be equal?”
Broken down you will find the strength of this spirit.
First, what is overlooked is the importance of the simplistic “mindset” in sports. Which really is a player's internal narrative about what they are doing, who they are, and what character they are patterning off of.
The last 3 years we have coached hundreds of players, and with a high level of confidence Harrison and I could probably predict if someone is going to be talented BEFORE seeing them play - by a look in their eyes, how they walk onto the field, and even just interact with us. Their “aura” is so telling.
Confidence that is real is backed by knowledge. You know yourself.
I was certain of the pain I had been through, the lengths I'd gone to be there, how much doubt was dealt with, fear constantly faced, there was nothing mythological about my confidence mentally, and that allowed me to walk into practice, the weight room, and onto the game field with the thought of “If all things are equal, I will win… mentally I can handle it.”
Pair this with deep humility:
If you are aware of the level of talent out there, you will realize that to make all things equal requires a RIDICULOUS amount of work! To be equal to the most skilled, strongest, fastest, smartest, in every way - arguably is impossible. Especially for someone as inadequate as me, BUT, I still had that belief and mindset that “If I can just make all things equal… mentally I’ve got them.” Therefore, that is what I worked to achieve.
It has a seed of hope, a touch of confidence, and on a long journey that is critical.
This is what we are aiming to give to our players.
First, a place to TRAIN. Ensure nobody is stronger, more athletic, more skilled, smarter… a place to level the playing field. THEN the body of work that can hold an unbreakable confidence.
You will train through the unbearable heat, be out in the snow, lift when you are sore and the weights are freezing, and show up day after day for months. Our players are building the proof that must be behind this mindset.
My encouragement to every player! Continue the work to even the playing field, KNOWING, mentally you will be willing to go that extra distance when the time comes…
AS WELL AS, focus on that mindset. Who are you?
We will share more about this in the coming weeks and months as spring is the perfect time to work on it throughout the school year before heading into the summer!
Until the next blog, books and podcasts are a great resource.
The podcast I would recommend :
Henry Schertzinger
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.