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The steady bludgeon of rhythmic competition

Reilyn Brennan : Stetson Lacrosse commits (Turpin HS)

A theory on “burnout.”

Being around our athletes nearly every day there is a constant prompting of  ‘what idea or framework can change everything for them? How is this most accurately conveyed?’

As we head into week 29 with some players who will train until February - I want to understand ‘burnout.”

This is my oversimplification. It starts with the quote:

"You have been down there, Neo. You know that road. You know exactly where it ends. And I know that’s not where you want to be."

A player who is subscribed to the typical paradigm of practice and games will eventually walk onto the field with a partial understanding of how situations will unfold. Some plays will make them uncomfortable due to a lack of skill, and others will bring them a level of fulfillment from success. 

 It is ‘predictive’ and oftentimes the negative associations receive the most attention. The ‘but I am not good when that happens,’ is what typically gets remembered. Regardless, the more this takes place the less satisfying the competition will be. The ‘relationship’ will become boring.

Ultimately this leads to “I want to try something else,’ or “I don’t think this is meant for me.” 

Our prescription: How can you continue to keep the game new and exciting? What can be done to make every opportunity feel like a fresh start?  

The variables you can control. Who you step on the field as. 

If you are growing in skill and athleticism each event will be a time of rediscovery. Players can have a posture of curiosity, not anticipatory cowardice. We want each athlete to train thinking “How confident will I feel when….what will I be able to do now with this strength? This fitness? What is now possible after 20+ hours of skill work?” 

The game will stay exciting. The relationship is always evolving, growing, maturing. 

So, what does this mean? Training is the best defense against burnout. Yes, one of them, spending MORE time with the game. How else would you improve the “relationship?” 

An ‘offseason’ is critical, but not for the reason most people give it. The ‘offseason’ IS a time of reinvention - NOT for dabbling in a hobby. From what we have seen this is incredibly disorienting and unproductive for athletes. As well as not reflective of reality to a degree. 

*What this blog is not saying is players should specialize in lacrosse in the 5th-6th grade. 

However, you cannot truly love something unless you know it, and the deeper you know, the truer you will love. A line we use with the players often is “without love, it won’t make sense.” Love allows you to make sacrifices that often contradict culture. Love pushes you through challenges, fears, doubts, emotions. Love is an unconditional commitment. 

One of the greatest gifts we could ever give outside of the community is an opportunity to be COMMITTED ! That is what the school / athletic systems do not preach with the continual novelty of “join this team.” It leads to “is this all sports really is?” 

Which we boldly declare “NO.”  

You can love something for years on end - in fact, you should love something, FOR LIFE ! Lacrosse is a beautiful vehicle to teach this.

What will you do when the deed and reward do not seem to fairly compensate?

 How will you respond when the feeling is not there?

The gift of an off season… We have seen players work for weeks on a move or skill with no apparent success or improvement, then it finally happens. What a gift for them to go through the range of emotions they inevitably battled day after day. A sure DEFENSE AGAINST BURN OUT: Proving to yourself, you can face challenges, acquire the necessary skills, and continue upward. 

Without writing too much - this is the best resource we can provide in the spring. Once a week reminder of the adventure every player is on.

To send them into a new week curious about what is possible - Excited to continue the process of growing and overcoming.

Harrison and I are both looking forward to 2025 - we can’t wait to see what is possible for players who continue to embrace this spirit of being ALL IN ! Prophetically, I believe our area will see players more passionate about the sport than ever before. Not because they are being perfectly rotated through event after event, but because they have finally given their hearts to something and found a fulfillment they did not know was possible. 

Very appreciative of all the support this year. More updates will be coming about the 2025 opportunities.


Henry Schertzinger

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